Car-Freshner Corporation
CAR-FRESHNER Corporation is the manufacturer of the world-famous LITTLE TREES automotive air fresheners. They are headquartered in Watertown, New York, USA, but export worldwide.
Over 60 years ago, a milk truck driver in northern New York complained to Julius Sämann, a local scientist, about the smell of spilled milk. Sämann had lived in the Canadian pine forests extracting aromatic oils. He went to work and, using exceptional fragrances on specialty material, soon invented the first automotive air freshener. He drew the abstract evergreen shape and gave it the brand name CAR-FRESHNER.
This scholarship was created in 1997 to help employee’s families by offering a full-tuition scholarship.
The recipient must be a full-time student and first preference is given to a child or spouse of an employee, based on academic achievement and financial need. If this criteria cannot be met preference is given to the grandchildren of an employee. If neither of these criteria can be met and the applicants are not a child, spouse or grandchild of an employee, the award will not be given for that academic year.